The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Hello you - after a short hiatus I'm back, I can't believe it's been a week since I've posted, how unlikely of me. I've been in London for a few days but I am back in the not so sunny Somerset to post daily for you.

In today's post I have been nominated by my good friend Jessie of to do the Very Inspiring Blogger Award which some of you may have judged from the title.

This post requires me to write seven facts about myself in which you will get to know me that little bit more. I will also be tagging some of my favourite fellow bloggers to do the same, so without further or do here are some little facts about me.

Fact Number One:
If you didn't already know I have an undying love for a programme called Big Brother. No matter how many times I tell someone or write it down I can never get across the unconditional love I have for this specific programme - some people are in a Harry Potter fandom, but this is my fandom and the only one I have ever joined. 

I have been following the programme since a very early age and have watched every series (even the very first on YouTube as I was only five when this programme initially started). Now I'm not just an average viewer, I'm a hardcore fan without a serious amount of passion for the programme, the people, the producers, the set and everything else.

To take my passion and love into account I know every winner off by heart and every notable moment to date. Unfortunately I've never gone to see the programme live (although I could of). Recently I got tickets to see the last season's final - Celebrity Big Brother 15 which was the most exciting day of my life, however I wasn't able to fulfill my dream as producers turned me and a few others away as they deemed the crowd oversized which in my mind was pathetic because why would they give out more tickets than they should of? (I could go into full on rant mode but we'll leave that for another time)

But yes now you know my love for Big Brother.

Fact Number Two
I'm a keen traveller - cliche I know, but I am.

Travelling and going abroad is always something that I have done since I've been very young and it's important for me and family to visit so much of the world we can in our lifetimes because what's better than saying you've travelled the world?

Me and my family have been lucky enough to visit some amazing places as a four in my past eighteen years including the likes of New York, Rome, Paris, Dublin, Spain, skiing in Slovenia twice and another five holidays to different areas in France.

I have been to some amazing places and I'm only 18 which makes the rest of my life very promising. I aim to travel as much as I can and achieve things I can only dream of. This year I have goals to travel to Paris again, Barcelona and Greece but we will see how this year plans out first.

If you're a keen traveller where have you been and where would you like to go that you haven't gone to?

Fact Number Three
Despite living in a seaside town I am one for the buzz of city life. I live in a little seaside town of Weston-super-Mare, just outside Bristol, if you didn't know it's most notable for throwing the now defunct T4 on the Beach which drew in teenagers with neon face paint and leg warmers from all around the UK. 

Going to cities has always been something I've enjoyed, the buzz, the array of different people, the shops and the food is something that excites me. I originally got this from the endless amount of times I've gone to London each year, a lot of my family are from the capital so it only makes sense the amount of times I go there each year - but I'm not complaining, I love it.

And as you're reading this I am currently enjoying three days in London visiting an old friend at Uni, see I can't enough of this place. This is the first time I've travelled and visited the city on my own but being let loose fulfilling a Uni experience with a friend is ever so exciting.

Fact Number Four:
Despite Mens Fashion, I have my other main interest which is Media. If you didn't already know I have been studying and loving Media since I was fifteen years old - I was able to study Media & Film Studies in my secondary school and take a diploma in Media Production at College.

Since I was young I have always had an interest in TV, Film and Journalism but it wasn't until my teenage years that I knew that this was my forte and an area of work that I knew I wanted to work in,

This is why I would like to incorporate my love of Media into my blog - although I haven't figure how I want to do that yet but this could potentially mean starting a YouTube channel and bringing my blog posts to life as I love filming (I recently wrote a blog post about the possibility of starting a YouTube channel here so take a ready if you're interest and leave me a comment below)

My love for Media and Journalism was also a main factor as to why I started a blog, this was to show future employers my choice and style of writing and if I wasn't lucky enough to pursue a career in Blogging/YouTube I'd like to work as a journalist or some area in Television. 

Fact Number Five:
In life I think it's only natural to have someone you idolise and in my case, Harry Styles is one of my major style icons.

With a love for mens style I always find myself recreating some of Style's outfits as his dress sense is something I have always loved since his came on the scene. His style has sky rocketed since 2013 and he has become a notable fashion icon of late. 

He has much of an edgier/rockier look which in some cases I like going for, he also likes to mix some vintage pieces into his outfits which is great as I find myself wearing a lot of vintage pieces like him on the daily. 

I will be doing some posts around Harry's style soon whether I review his style or recreate some of his favourite looks for less, so look out for these upcoming posts if you're interested.

Fact Number Six:
Despite being eighteen I'm a big child at heart and continue have a love for 90's cartoons and children's films - I'll prove this by saying my three all time favourite films are Rugrats Go To Paris, Monsters Inc and Cheaper By The Dozen. 

These were three films that I grew up with my entire childhood and can watch endlessly without getting bored. As a child I had a obsession with the Rugrats to the point I made a thirty page scrapbook dedicated to them (yes I still have it). Rugrats was a programme I adored as a child all the way through to young adult life, ps. My favourite character will forever be Tommy.

Monsters Inc was another film I loved as a child and is hands down my favourite Disney & Pixar film with Mike topping off my favourite Disney character list. This film much like the other two was a film I grew up with and can watch endlessly on repeat, I couldn't stop myself having all the merchandise and the Playstation One video game too.

Lastly Cheaper By The Dozen, another favourite film of mine, still a child film but the more mature out of the three. Cheaper By The Dozen was that comedy that I continued to laugh at whilst growing up and to this date the same gags and jokes make me laugh now. I even used it as the basis of a project in Film Studies which I had to analyse the film and present to the class which I did indeed get a good grade from.

Fact Number Seven:
I thought I'd leave the weirdest till last but as a child I had an odd obsession with cars, toy garage sets and traffic lights (yes, form a line and laugh at me) but no seriously, toy cars, a toy replica of a garage and real life traffic lights were my thing as a child apparently. 

I get reminded endless times at those family gatherings of the time I asked my parents to stop the car so I could hug a street sign on holiday, yes you did read that - I asked my parents to stop for me to give a sign a hug. I really don't know what was going on in my five year old mind but it wasn't right I can imagine so.

To end this odd driving/car obsession as a child, the average childs favourite book was Harry Potter or something along those lines, mine, wait for it, was the... Highway Code. Yep, the book every seventeen year old panickly reads before their theory test but nope I was reading this at the age of five because my love of signs and cars had a hit new high. Funny that, thirteen years on (being 18) I still can't drive. 

I hope you enjoyed today's post and got an insight of me and knew things you didn't dare know before. If you enjoyed the post then feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below and tell me what you think. 

For the Very Inspiring Blogger Award I nominate the following:
Nik James of / Alex Richards of 

1 comment :

  1. Aw thankyou for the nomination! I'll get working on it asap :)


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