Blog Refresh

Monday, 2 March 2015

Hey guys - how's everyone doing? I'd like to first of all say thank you for making me reach 300 followers - I woke up in much delight after seeing that so thank you for support, taking the time to read weekly and so forth.

I've done a lot of thinking over the past few weeks and I have been wanting to refresh my blog for some time now (nothing major just incase you were wondering)

Bloggers will know that blogging can be deemed a full time thing, writing posts, taking photos and updating your blog can sometimes take a lot of time out of your day and working almost full time on top of that means it can be hard to balance the two.

I work almost every day at my job at Next and fitting a blog between that can sometimes prove difficult, however I try my hardest to update you with weekly posts. I aim to write almost three to four posts a week so I know there is plenty of content for you to feast your eyes on.

I initially started this blog dedicated to Mens Fashion and Lifestyle posts which it indeed has become but in recent months I have found it hard to post fashion related posts weekly - this is because I require days out/friends to take photos for my style posts which is hard to do on a weekly basis. My good friend Jessie whom is also a blogger takes all my fashion related photos but as we both work full time we find it hard to fit ourselves around each other.

Most of my posts recently have been lifestyle-related posts which I love but I am to incorporate more style posts weekly as this is my first and main passion. From now onwards I aim to continue with "Outfit Of The Day" posts along with hauls, style advice, celebrity style, tips and tricks and so forth - I aimed to do this from the very beginning but finding time to do so has been difficult therefore I stuck with more lifestyle-esque posts.

Incorporating YOU into my blog:
Blogging is fun, writing posts weekly is great and it's one of my biggest passions but for a blog to be successful and fun requires dedicated readers/followers to support and this is why I want to incorporate you more into my blog.

Doing this I would love to do monthly posts such as an "Ask Charlie" feature where I answer some of your questions and create more of a bond, also I'd love to hear from you on what posts you want to see as this will strive me to create bigger and better blog posts.

I love reading and replying to your comments so feel free to leave some more as I would love that.

That's about it for this update post, I aim to create tons more content for you and post on more of a frequent basis and if you have any ideas/recommendations for blog post ideas then feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

& if the Ask Charlie style post interests you then feel free to leave me questions below with the #askcharlie hash tag so I know which comments are dedicated to that, I would really love to answer some of your questions so feel free to ask me anything.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. When I started my blog I wanted to be a fashion diary, but it has been 4 months and I haven't post anything yet, i just think the pictures my boyfriend takes aren't good enough, so i've been blogging about beauty and fashion related post . ps.I think the ask charlie feature is a great idea.
    The Color Palette

    1. Oh no but least you've found an area you can work with. Thank you also, have you got any questions to ask me? Use the #askcharlie hashtag for a reply and I'll be answering everyone's question next week.

  2. Congratulations on hitting 300 followers! Ask Charlie is a great idea, I look forward to seeing more posts that you write!


    1. Thank you very much, thank you also, please leave a reply to this using #askcharlie and ask me anything, my #askcharlie post will be going up next week and I'm really looking forward to answering everyone's questions.

  3. content is so important sometimes when I have a tight schedule I try to post just anything which I wish I wouldn't do because content is everything. But from time to time it is good to get a casual post up. And congratulations on the 300 followers :) I'm one of them! ahah what an honour <3

    1. It really is and sometimes it's hard to find time to make the best posts, but I feel you I understand. Yes most definitley, I like to break posts up by throwing in some Spotify and Blogging Tip posts so I haven't been a-wall for a while.

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Woohoo 300 followers! I'm doing an #askcharlie, if you have any questions leave them as a reply to this comment and I will be posting my answers next week in an #askcharlie dedicated post.

  4. The Q&A posts are such a great idea?. I always find that kind of posts really interesting. Getting to know who is "hidding" behind the blog is always great.

    So, #askcharlie Don't you go to uni? If so, what subjects do you study?

    xx, Renaud |

    1. I find that they are to, they're some of my favourite style of posts.

      Thank you for asking, my answers will be revealed next week. Please continue to ask more questions using #askcharlie and I'll be answering them in a post next week.

  5. There are some really good ideas here Charlie. Congratulations on getting past the 300 followers mark too! Any tips on how you built up your readership or did it just come naturally from people interested in your blog?

    Ben |

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you again, yes hitting 300 was pretty nice to wake up to after starting my blog back in December.

      My best piece of advice to network, I recommend commenting on other blogs and creating a bond with the blogger then they'll follow you back but a lot of it has been just people interested and following but it's just patience, I think every one gains a following a different pace.

      Hope that was of help, thank you for your continious comments and your brilliant blog that I love, I'm doing an #askcharlie post soon so if you have any questions for me reply to this comment with questions and the hashtag and I'll be answering everyone's questions next week.

  6. Great post! I do believe that photography is such a huge deal, especially if you're a fashion blogger. Congrats for hitting 300 followers! Oh, and your photography is awesome ♥ xx, Veni

    Style with Veni | Fashion Blog


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